Enabling Reliable Tracking

Like most organisations you are likely to have to identify, record and track some key assets, valuable and/or indispensable to the efficiency of your daily operations and to delivering customer satisfaction.

Whether you are a manufacturing or service business, a utility supplier, wholesale or retail organization, a school, Local Government, or Defence Department…, you need an accurate and lasting ID solution for your machinery, parts, tools, office equipment, portable devices, moving equipment, even for pets and other animals.

Laser marking by Quadtec is an ideal way to identify and track your products.

The result is accurate, permanent and since the laser is computer controlled we can easily handle sequential numbers, variable information, barcodes & QR codes in addition to your company logo.

Check out these examples and Call Us to discuss your specific engraving and marking application.

Cat tag

Petcheck – The Ultimate Pet Identification Solution

Manufactured in Australia and laser marked with more information than other lifetime tags, Quadtec tags are part of a comprehensive identification and tracking solution that simplifies the work of council staff and delights pet owners.
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Military ID tag

Defence ID Plates – Complex ID Tracking Made Easy

The Military have very specific ID tracking requirements for their equipment. They produce a pre-printed plaque and then we engrave the required information such as model number, serial number and manufacture dates into the relevant fields.

To enable a quick turnaround we keep the plaques on-site and the data is emailed to us in a format that goes directly to the laser.

If complex ID tracking is critical to your operational effectiveness and/or meeting your compliance requirements
Call Us

Barcode on polycarbonate tag

Barcoding And Scanning – Durable Effectiveness In All Usage Conditions

We engrave barcodes on many materials.

We know how critical it is for successful scanning to ensure a high contrast between the barcode and substrate.

The image on the left is of a polycarbonate badge and is ideal for barcoding. We deliver a very high contrast and engraving quality and the excellent UV resistance of polycarbonate plastic makes Quadtec badges ideal for outdoor use.

Call Us for advice and a quote

Tyndale Macbook Air

Apple Macbook Tracking – Theft Deterrent System For Electronic Devices

Almost all schools ask their students to have an iPad or other tablet, a Macbook or other laptop. Theft is the biggest fear and source of frustration for teachers, parents and students.

Quadtec makes it easy for schools to track the asset, reduce theft temptation and help the families in their community.

Annually we run batches of Macbooks for new Year 12 students.

We engrave the school logo plus a unique tracking ID number on the bottom of the item. We can do this for iPads too.

If your school does not own the electronic devices yet wants to support families by organizing “batch engraving”, this is a great way to contribute to parent satisfaction with the school.

Of course we can do this “batch engraving” for any organization supplying staff with a new set of valuable electronic devices. Effective asset identification and tracking is often a compliance requirement as well as a critical operational need.

We will work with you to make ID marking effective and brand image building. Tell Us your challenge, we’ll design a practical and quality solution for you.

Your identification, marking and tracking requirement is different again? Call Us to discuss how we can make ID tracking simpler, better and more reliable for you.